Developed hand-in-hand with California Community Colleges...for California Community Colleges.
Tired of manually sending email notifications and reminders? Then following up with phone calls and text messages? And tracking the status of everything with spreadsheets?
Optimum’s solution module approach automates your manual, time-intensive processes to save you time, reduce errors, and improve compliance. No more switching in and out of multiple applications.
Foundational capabilities get you started quickly. Customizations finish the job by insuring your solution is mapped precisely to your real-life work processes so that you can work your way, always. No more changing the way you work to accommodate the software.
Every four years, your employees need to submit a new tuberculosis risk assessment and a Certificate of Completion signed by a health care provider. Safe Return/TB will alert you to who is due, send automated notifications, collect the necessary signed forms and store all digital copies.
Optimum's Evaluation Tracking Solution Module automates employee notification, scheduling, tracking, and confirmation for timely performance evaluations across all employee types.
Key features include a central communications console for notifications and alerts via email, SMS, phone, chat, and IM, customizable workflows, and a secure records repository.
Hiring new employees should be easier. Whether you're bringing on full-time staff, part-time summer employees, or managing resignations, our automated digital form solutions streamline the process from start to finish. By digitizing paper forms and automating their distribution, routing, and approval, you can eliminate the time-consuming manual steps, ensuring your hiring workflows are efficient and error-free.
Our solutions are customized to the specific workflows of each college. From full-time employee recruitment to part-time hiring and processing resignations, we help you stay organized and compliant. Each step is tracked, with automatic updates keeping everyone in the loop so you can focus more on finding the right talent and less on paperwork.
Our Student Onboarding solution is designed to enhance the onboarding experience for you and your students:
Approved by the Foundation of California Community Colleges (FCCC)
One-page Order Form is all that's required to get started Click Here
Connect with students how they want, when they want, to enhance engagement and foster long-lasting relationships.